Presence, Safety, Love

Viva Vagina! Therapist Training 2024-2025 is now open for registration.

The next training starts October 5th, 2024, please see all dates and details for the training and registration below.

Do you have a longing for personal development?

To go deep into yourself?

Do you have a longing for passion and desire,

for sexual liberation?

Do you want to have more contact with yourself and your body?

AND do you have a longing to be there for your sisters

in a profound journey of sexual liberation?

- yes, then this training is for you!


Read what participants in the year 2023/2024 have to say:

"It is a wonderful training where I have gone deep into myself. It has meant a lot to me. I love being in women's circles and experiencing sisterhood. It will be very nice to give women VivaVagina! treatments.

Question: Would you recommend the training? Yes absolutely! VivaVagina! Therapist training is the best thing I have done in my life and for myself! I can highly recommend this training with wonderful Isis!"

~ Josefine

"It is a favor, a gift, to give Viva Vagina! treatment to other women. I am grateful that I get to learn how to help other women get in touch with their inner selves. Viva Vagina! Therapist training has above all given me a nice sisterhood in a women's circle. It has also given me tools to develop my feminine sexuality.

Question: Would you recommend the training? Yes, I would recommend it to women precisely to be able to release blockages, increase their sexual energy and get in touch with their feminine power."

"I love the (Viva Vagina! therapist) training! Everything we learn! Everything we learned about ourselves and what the clients teach us. The sisterhood! It is so important! Every time we see each other, I am reminded of how important it is to me and it is a "key" for me to feel good. Qigong, singing, acupressure, Tao massage, drums - you name it. I just become more and more in my own POWER, which leads my own way forward in life. And to be with Isis!

Question: Would you recommend the training? YESS!"

~ Yvonne

Listen to podcasts with Charlotte Cronquist and Ingrid Frideborgsdotter: Time to free the vagina! In Swedish

"Do you want to become a Viva vagina therapist?

It is Ingrid Isis Frideborgsdotter who created the Viva vagina! concept - and now she will teach the technique to other women. One could say that it is about freeing the female sexuality from shame, pain, trauma, and opening up to more enjoyment in life. Ingrid talks to love warrior Charlotte Cronquist in her podcast Charlottepodden. The talk is in Swedish.

What's included in the Therapist training?

In this profound and life-enriching training, you will gain a lot of new knowledge about your female body, the vagina, the sexual energy flow, pleasure and your inner spiritual life. You yourself will undergo a transformation, and get to experience the power in your own body so that you can then feel safe to pass the knowledge on, if you choose to do so.

You will learn to perform treatments and hold your own circles for women as a therapist. You will learn several healing methods, which are carefully selected to support the process of awakening and healing the sexual power of us women.

What does a Viva Vagina! Therapist do?

Many women have not been encouraged to release their sexual power, but have completely cut off contact with the flow and primal power that exists in our vagina. As a result, many women experience anxiety, depression, withdrawal, frigidity and a feeling of being a victim.

A Viva Vagina! therapist lovingly guides the woman to regain contact with the vagina, and to awaken the flowing power through healing treatments, exercises and conversation.

Awakening the connection with the vagina and the power is not only to reach sexual pleasure, but it is also the way to a woman's passion, spark of life and creative joy. Free and flowing life force can create a book, a beautiful garden, a freedom movement, a women's group, a harmonious family - wherever your passion wants to lead you.

How does a Viva Vagina! therapist work ?

It takes time to heal what needs to be healed, for a VivaVagina! process 12 treatments are recommended. The treatment includes acupressure and massage in the entire pelvic area on women to dissolve tensions/blockages and to release the energy in the body.

The treatment also includes conversation, listening and coaching. The therapist can also teach exercises for the woman to take home or recommend suitable literature for inspiration and self-study.

VivaVagina! treatments can lead to more sexual pleasure, multi-orgasms, flow, passion and to living one's desire. Healing is also about us women regaining control over our own bodies and our own lives.

You will get to learn..

To heal the woman's power and the flow of sexual energy, we will learn several healing methods that have been carefully selected to support the process. Here are some of these:


Breathing and soft movements in presence and with focus. Soft, simple movements that everyone can participate in based on their own conditions. We do qigong to relax, land in the here and now, increase our presence, combat our stress, heal ourselves from stress illnesses and fill us with life energy. Qigong is personal health care.


Held together with Sirkka Sirén Nyman, Acupressor.

A form of treatment where we press with our fingers on the body's acupuncture points. According to TKM traditional Chinese medicine, each acupoint has a physical, mental and energy effect. When it comes to women's health, we look for points that nourish the soul and body. There are also points for hormonal, transition and fertility problems.

Taoist Energy Massage

Held together with Lars Maria Norén (sexsibility coach, breathing educator and qigong teacher)A full-body massage for body and soul that has been practiced in China for millennia, and draws inspiration from 'The Tao of Sexual Massage' by Stephen Russel and Jürgen Kolb. The Tao massage is a light and flowing touch that aims to strengthen your presence, zest for life and sexual energy.

Yoni Egg Training

Eastern women have long used jade eggs for the vagina. In Viva Vagina! it is primarily a conscious exercise, to regain contact with one's sensitivity and the vagina.

The sisterhood

We women who together will form the intimate group during the training will deepen our inner Sisterhood in the Circle through ceremonies.

At the centre of these and the entire training are Warmth, Presence, Safety, Heart and Light.

You yourself will learn to hold goddess circles with other women (if you choose and want to do so) and experience the safety and community that the circle creates.

Who leads the Viva Vagina! Therapist training?

Your teacher Isis Ingrid Frideborgsdotter

The Viva Vagina! Therapist training was created by Ingrid Isis Frideborgsdotter who has worked with VivaVagina! treatments since 2010. She is also one of Sweden's first sexsibility coaches. Ingrid has given hundreds of women treatments, as well as held courses, circles and retreats for women.

Her work has been greatly appreciated and her vision is now to pass on the knowledge so that more women can enjoy their vagina, sexual power and joy in their life.

A few words from Ingrid Isis....

Who am I who leads the training, Ingrid Isis Frideborgsdotter?

I have healed myself from burnout with qigong and acupressure which took many years. I myself have made the journey from being frigid to being multi-orgasmic and would like to pass that gift on to others. I am passionate about peace on earth and believe that we need to start with ourselves to get there. Love and sisterhood, security and presence are my watchwords.


I am a sexsibility coach, journalist, writer, women's leader, qigong teacher, coach, acupressor, tao masseur and assistant nurse. I attended the first training given in Sweden as a sexsibility coach, and have extensive experience as an acupressor and qigong teacher. I have held Viva Vagina! Goddess circles, courses and given women VivaVagina! treatments since 2010. I have held women's circles since the early 1990s. I have run the center Heart & Hand - Isis Gudinnetempel in Stockholm as well as the Himlagjord Retreat Center on Ramsö with courses, retreats and treatments.


Nowadays I live in Näsåker, in the north of Sweden,  because I want to support that "Kvinnominnemuseet - a 1000 years of silence"  ( Goddess Museum) shall remain. I have just bought a hundred-year-old house in Åsmon where the Himlajord Retreat Center is now being resurrected, as well as the Isis Goddess Temple.

Practical details for the training

  • Location: We will meet for seven weekends at the center Ahimsa, Bagarmossen, Stockholm and the last weekend in Skogsnäs, Ramsele in Norrland for finally diploma ceremony. 

  • Participants: Limited number of places, only 12 participants in total. The training is aimed at women with vaginas, as we train and give treatments to each other. Admission takes place with a personal letter and interview. See information below for address and email.

  • Date of training:

    2024:  Fika included fm and em every weekend
    5-6 october, Saturday, Sunday, 9-17, 
    9-10 November, Saturday 9-21, Sunday, 9-17,            7-8 December, Saturday, Sunday, 9-17
  • 2025: Fika ingår fm och em varje helg
    11-12 January, Saturday 9-21, Sunday, 9-17
    15-16 February, Saturday 9-21, Sunday, 9-17
    15-16 March, Saturday 9-21, Sunday, 9-17                12-13 April,  Saturday 9-21, Sunday, 9-17
    9-11 May, Friday, 13 till Sunday, 15, last weekend at the Green House, Sunday, Skogsnäs.

    Note! count on a travel day before and after the weekend

Investment in yourself

  • Cost of the training: SEK 49,000.

    Early bird to July 15th: 44 000 kronor.

    For company invoices, 25% VAT is added. It is possible to pay in installments, and make a payment plan, don't hesitate to get in touch if necessary.

  • The price includes: Teaching, treatments by teachers and participants during the course days, yoni eggs, ecstasy wand and the inspirational literature "The Muliorgasmic-Women: Discover Your Full Desire, Pleasure, and Vitality" by Rachel Carlton Abrams. Food and lodging during the graduation weekend in Skogsnäs.

  • Added: Lunch the first seven weekends, trip to Skogsnäs last weekend. The treatments of the teacher required for graduation.

  • Graduation: To get a Viva Vagina! Therapist diploma physical presence at all training sessions is required, as well as 15 performed treatments/sessions, 2 received Viva Vagina! treatments by the teacher and a given treatment to the teacher with approved feedback. It is absolutely fine to attend the training without the goal of a diploma.

How to register

  • Registration: Pay the registration fee 5000 kronor

    to Swedbank business account 8327-9, 913 222 552-6

    Alternatively with swish 076-17 28960, write VivaVagina! Training

  • Personal letter: For admission, send a personal letter with why you wish to attend VivaVagina! Therapist training. A handwritten letter is preferred sent to:

  • Isis Frideborgsdotter
    Åsmon 125
    881 98 Näsåker
  • Alternatively, email your letter to


  • For questions and more information contact Ingrid Isis Frideborgsdotter :
    sms to 076-17 28960
    (calls are booked via SMS)


Admission takes place on an ongoing basis as applications come in, so apply today.You can participate for your own sake or because you feel called to become a Viva Vagina! therapist. This training is unique in its kind and don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions or concerns. Warm welcome! ,Isis with assistants.

What others have said....

"I am so incredibly grateful for the help and support you gave me three years ago, your circles and talks and treatments.. You have given me vitality and opened up my power center. You are the best and I will be forever grateful."

Eva, 54 år

"Thanks for a wonderful treatment received lovely energy and light. My husband felt it as soon as I got home."


"Just wanted to send a big thank you... Life is wonderful and my vagina is rippling, burning and bubbling!"



So much pain

So much horror

- where does it all come from?

Safe, warm hands move

feather light over my stomach

I breathe, filling my whole body with qiIt relaxes

No danger

Everything's cool

Pleasure, warmth

Please - don't stop

-Never stop

Do not leave me

Please...I shake, a little at first

don't know where it starts

The tremors go like waves through the body

I'm breathing

The tears will come


Grinding teeth

Soft, gentle hands dissolves blockages

arouses terror and fear

So safe that I dare to feel

Don't know why, don't care why

Feels healing And so scary

Help - what happened - why?

Hands that do not require

hands that only provide security

hands in presence

man who is love

The tears are flowing

form small lakes in the ears

I snort and snort

Please do not leave me!

Please STOP!


So small, so vulnerable

So alive

Mmm... nice...

What happens?

The skin craves the touch,

enjoying the presence and love

Something is healing

Safe, so safe

Two hands are placed gently on my Yoni

just warm and still

Completely undemanding

Wrapped in love


A hand on the Yoni

One on my heart

Warm and safe throughout the body

Tears that flow still of gratitude and happiness

Tremors that subside

Teeth stop chattering

All that remains is silence and love

And endless gratitude

I love my Yoni


by Ingrid Isis Frideborgsdotter 2009

Contact Ingrid Isis Frideborgsdotter

To apply or any questions 

Hello world